Source code for hyperdiary.htmltags

from typing import Iterable, Union

HTMLContent = Union['HTMLElement', str]

_escaped_attrs = ('id', 'class', 'type')

[docs]class HTMLElement(object): tag = 'div' # type: str render_compact = False # type: bool def __init__(self, *content: HTMLContent, **attributes: str) -> None: self.content = list(content) self.attributes = attributes for a in _escaped_attrs: if '_' + a in self.attributes: self.attributes[a] = self.attributes.pop('_' + a)
[docs] def append(self, *items: HTMLContent) -> 'HTMLElement': self.content += items return self
def __call__(self, *items: HTMLContent) -> 'HTMLElement': return self.append(*items)
[docs] def subelement(self, item: 'HTMLElement') -> 'HTMLElement': self.content.append(item) return item
[docs] def lazy_render_attributes(self) -> Iterable[str]: if self.attributes: for k, v in self.attributes.items(): yield ' ' yield str(k) yield '="' yield str(v) yield '"'
[docs] def lazy_render(self, indent: str = '', add_indent: str = '') \ -> Iterable[str]: is_doc_root = self.tag.lower() == 'html' if is_doc_root: yield '<!DOCTYPE HTML>\n' do_linebreak = not self.render_compact and self.content yield indent yield '<' yield self.tag yield from self.lazy_render_attributes() yield '>' if do_linebreak: yield '\n' child_indent = indent + add_indent if do_linebreak else '' if not do_linebreak: add_indent = '' for child in self.content: if isinstance(child, HTMLElement): yield from child.lazy_render(child_indent, add_indent) else: yield '{}{}'.format(child_indent, child) if do_linebreak: yield '\n' if do_linebreak: yield indent yield '</' yield self.tag yield '>' if is_doc_root: yield '\n'
def __str__(self) -> str: '''Render element to string. >>> str(a('Somewhere', href="#")) '<a href="#">Somewhere</a>' >>> str(p()) '<p></p>' >>> str(div('Hello World')) '<div>\\n Hello World\\n</div>' >>> str(table()) '<table></table>' ''' return ''.join(self.lazy_render(add_indent=' '))
[docs] def write(self, fname: str) -> None: with open(fname, 'w') as f: for s in self.lazy_render(add_indent=' '): f.write(s)
[docs]class a (HTMLElement): tag = 'a' render_compact = True
[docs]class article (HTMLElement): tag = 'article' render_compact = False
[docs]class body (HTMLElement): tag = 'body' render_compact = False
[docs]class button (HTMLElement): tag = 'button' render_compact = True
[docs]class div (HTMLElement): tag = 'div' render_compact = False
[docs]class form (HTMLElement): tag = 'form' render_compact = False
[docs]class h1 (HTMLElement): tag = 'h1' render_compact = True
[docs]class h2 (HTMLElement): tag = 'h2' render_compact = True
[docs]class h3 (HTMLElement): tag = 'h3' render_compact = True
[docs]class h4 (HTMLElement): tag = 'h4' render_compact = True
[docs]class hr (HTMLElement): tag = 'hr' render_compact = False
[docs]class html (HTMLElement): tag = 'html' render_compact = False
[docs]class img (HTMLElement): tag = 'img' render_compact = False
[docs]class li (HTMLElement): tag = 'li' render_compact = True
[docs]class meta (HTMLElement): tag = 'meta' render_compact = False
[docs]class ol (HTMLElement): tag = 'ol' render_compact = False
[docs]class p (HTMLElement): tag = 'p' render_compact = True
[docs]class small (HTMLElement): tag = 'small' render_compact = True
[docs]class span (HTMLElement): tag = 'span' render_compact = True
[docs]class style (HTMLElement): tag = 'style' render_compact = False
[docs]class table (HTMLElement): tag = 'table' render_compact = False
[docs]class tbody (HTMLElement): tag = 'tbody' render_compact = False
[docs]class td (HTMLElement): tag = 'td' render_compact = True
[docs]class th (HTMLElement): tag = 'th' render_compact = False
[docs]class thead (HTMLElement): tag = 'thead' render_compact = False
[docs]class title (HTMLElement): tag = 'title' render_compact = True
[docs]class tr (HTMLElement): tag = 'tr' render_compact = False
[docs]class ul (HTMLElement): tag = 'ul' render_compact = False