Source code for hyperdiary.simplepath

from typing import Iterable, List

[docs]class InvalidPathError(Exception): pass
[docs]class NotARelativePathError(InvalidPathError): pass
[docs]class NotAnAbsolutePathError(InvalidPathError): pass
_valid_path_chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_.' def _validate_and_shorten(is_absolute: bool, elements: Iterable[str]) \ -> List[str]: ''' >>> _validate_and_shorten(True, ['a', 'b', 'c', '..', '..']) ['a'] >>> _validate_and_shorten(False, ['..', '..']) ['..', '..'] >>> _validate_and_shorten(True, ['..', '..']) Traceback (most recent call last): ... hyperdiary.simplepath.InvalidPathError: traversing over root >>> _validate_and_shorten(True, ['x', '..']) [] >>> _validate_and_shorten(False, ['x', '..']) [] >>> _validate_and_shorten(True, ['']) [] >>> _validate_and_shorten(True, []) [] >>> _validate_and_shorten(False, ['.']) [] >>> _validate_and_shorten(False, ['']) [] >>> _validate_and_shorten(False, []) [] >>> _validate_and_shorten(False, ['.']) [] ''' new_elements = [] # type: List[str] for el in elements: if el == '.' or not el: continue elif el == '..': if not new_elements: if is_absolute: raise InvalidPathError('traversing over root') else: new_elements.append('..') else: if new_elements[-1] == '..': new_elements.append('..') else: new_elements.pop() else: if not all(c in _valid_path_chars for c in el): raise InvalidPathError('invalid character in path element "{}"' .format(el)) new_elements.append(el) return new_elements
[docs]class RelativePath: def __init__(self, path: str) -> None: ''' >>> RelativePath('a/b/c') RelativePath('./a/b/c') >>> RelativePath('..') RelativePath('..') >>> RelativePath('.') RelativePath('.') >>> RelativePath('') RelativePath('.') ''' if path.startswith('/'): raise NotARelativePathError(path) self.elements = _validate_and_shorten(False, path.split('/')) def __str__(self) -> str: ''' >>> str(RelativePath('a/b/c')) './a/b/c' ''' prefix = '.' + ('/' if self.elements else '') if self.elements and self.elements[0] == '..': prefix = '' return prefix + '/'.join(self.elements) def __repr__(self) -> str: ''' >>> RelativePath('d/e/f') RelativePath('./d/e/f') >>> RelativePath('./../f') RelativePath('../f') ''' return 'RelativePath(\'{}\')'.format(self)
[docs]class AbsolutePath: def __init__(self, path: str) -> None: ''' >>> AbsolutePath('/a/b/c') AbsolutePath('/a/b/c') >>> AbsolutePath('/') AbsolutePath('/') >>> AbsolutePath('/folder/index.html') AbsolutePath('/folder/index.html') >>> AbsolutePath('a/b/c') Traceback (most recent call last): ... hyperdiary.simplepath.NotAnAbsolutePathError: a/b/c >>> AbsolutePath('') Traceback (most recent call last): ... hyperdiary.simplepath.NotAnAbsolutePathError ''' if not path.startswith('/'): raise NotAnAbsolutePathError(path) self.elements = _validate_and_shorten(True, path.split('/')) def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ''' >>> AbsolutePath('/a/b/c') == AbsolutePath('/a/b/c') True >>> AbsolutePath('/a/b/c') == AbsolutePath('/a/./b/c/../c') True >>> AbsolutePath('/a/b/c') == AbsolutePath('/a') False >>> AbsolutePath('/a/b/c') != AbsolutePath('/a') True ''' if not isinstance(other, AbsolutePath): return False if not len(self.elements) == len(other.elements): return False return all(el1 == el2 for el1, el2 in zip(self.elements, other.elements)) def __add__(self, other: RelativePath) -> 'AbsolutePath': ''' >>> AbsolutePath('/a/b/c') + RelativePath('d/e/f') AbsolutePath('/a/b/c/d/e/f') >>> AbsolutePath('/a/b/c') + RelativePath('../..') AbsolutePath('/a') >>> AbsolutePath('/a/b/c') + RelativePath('../../..') AbsolutePath('/') >>> AbsolutePath('/a/b/c') + RelativePath('../../../..') Traceback (most recent call last): ... hyperdiary.simplepath.InvalidPathError: traversing over root >>> AbsolutePath('/a/b/c/././') + RelativePath('../../../x/y') \ == AbsolutePath('/x/y') True ''' return AbsolutePath('{}/{}'.format(self, other)) def __sub__(self, other: 'AbsolutePath') -> RelativePath: ''' >>> AbsolutePath('/a/b/c') - AbsolutePath('/a/b/c') RelativePath('.') >>> AbsolutePath('/a/b/c') - AbsolutePath('/a/b/x') RelativePath('../c') >>> AbsolutePath('/a/b/c') - AbsolutePath('/d/e/f') RelativePath('../../../a/b/c') >>> a = AbsolutePath('/a/b/c'); b = AbsolutePath('/a/x/y') >>> b + (a - b) == a True >>> a + (b - a) == b True ''' e1 = self.elements.copy() e2 = other.elements.copy() while e1 and e2 and e1[0] == e2[0]: e1.pop(0) e2.pop(0) return RelativePath('../' * len(e2) + '/'.join(e1)) def __str__(self) -> str: ''' >>> str(AbsolutePath('/a/b/c')) '/a/b/c' ''' return '/' + '/'.join(self.elements) def __repr__(self) -> str: ''' >>> AbsolutePath('/a/b/c') AbsolutePath('/a/b/c') ''' return 'AbsolutePath(\'{}\')'.format(self) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(repr(self))